Water system
The District contracted with the firm of Parkhill, Smith, and Cooper, Engineers, to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and an Environmental Assessment (EA) for water system upgrades. The Preliminary Engineering Report and accompanying Environmental Assessment, are required by the New Mexico Finance Authority as a condition of the $4 million loan obtained by the District to purchase the system and begin improvements.
2004 Master Plan part 1
2004 Master Plan part 2
2004 Master Plan part 3
Preliminary Engineering Report
Environmental Assessment Report
Master Plan – Update 6-10-19
Alto Lakes Water Conservation Plan r022718
ALWSD Concentrate Management Study 2012
ALWSD Asset Management Plan
Completed Projects
Alto Lakes WT Phase I Plans
Alto Lakes WT Phase I Specifications
Alto Lakes Dist A Drawings
Alto Lakes Dist A Specs
Dist B Final Drawings
Dist B Final Specs
Water Treatment Plant – Phase I (completed April 2011)
The Phase I Water Treatment Plant was built to remove the iron and manganese from well water which resulted in red and brown water. Red and brown water has now disappeared from the system.
The $1.5 million project involved construction of plant, equipment, and tank on District owned property behind the Solid Waste Convenience Station along with two 8″ pipes between the tank site (West of #2 Green) and the Water Treatment Plant.
The building and pipelines will also host Phase II Water Treatment (reduction of hardness). Phase II, intended to significantly reduce water hardness, will produce large quantities of brine. The least expensive brine disposal method is evaporation; however natural or enhanced evaporation requires 25 – 40 acres of land. In early 2012, the District retained a consultant to evaluate treatment options utilizing the land which the District owns adjacent to the Plant. The report indicates that available treatment options would result in treatment costs of $3 to $7 per thousand gallons which would double or triple existing Level 1 water rates.
Phase II Water Treatment will be revisited when suitable land becomes available or new technology becomes available which reduces treatment costs.
Pressure Regulating Valves (2009-2012)
Our small staff of four system operators not only keeps the system running but has been productive in upgrading the system. Pressure Regulating Valves (PRV’s) are critical to maintaining consistent household water pressure; especially within a system that includes so many changes in elevation. When the District acquired the water system in the spring of 2008, only 4 of the 21 PRV’s were fully operational. District Staff has repaired or replaced 16 of the system PRV’s. They have also installed numerous additional valves which allow us to limit water outages to fewer customers when system repairs are required.
Water Main replacement (2012-2013)
The District is completing a $3 million project for the construction of 22,000’ of new 8” water mains on High Mesa, French, and Deer Park. This line will replace a hodge-podge of 3”, 4”, and 6” lines constructed in the 1960’s and 1970’s and will form the new backbone for our water system. The project will be completed in March of 2013.
Water Storage (2013-2014)
The District owns two water storage tanks totaling 450,000 gallons adjacent to the Number 2 Tee. The District plans to build a new, 500,000 gallon, to increase the District’s water storage capacity to 950,000 gallons. This will provide needed emergency capacity for fire fighting as well as increase the buffer should well issues arise.
The District has completely rebuilt one sewage lift station and will rebuild the other sewage lift station in 2013. The sewage treatment plant has also been upgraded.
Solid Waste
New Solid Waste Convenience Station (completed May 2009)
The District invested $180,000 to replace a dumpster and green waste yard, which did not comply with State solid waste regulations, with a modern Solid Waste facility. The new facility, which is secured and staffed, accepts household waste, recyclables, bulk waste, metal, and green waste.
The District entered into a 42 month lease with the Greentree Solid Waste Authority to manage and operate the station. Lease fees from GSWA allowed the District to recover construction costs.
Operational upgrades (November 2012)
The District is assuming management and operation of the Station following expiration of the GSWA lease. The District is investing another $75,000 to improve and upgrade operations and efficiencies at the Station.
• New signage and traffic control
• A new gatehouse which improves the view of the yard and includes toilet facilities eliminating the need for a Porta-Potty
• Purchase of a skid loader for loading of green waste into roll-off containers eliminating the need use of grappler trucks and allowing the Station to accept much larger tree trunks and limbs