The District Board has adopted an Ordinance affecting all properties located within the Alto Lakes Water & Sanitation District boundaries as well as external water customers formerly served by the Alto Lakes Water Corporation. The Ordinance, which governs water, wastewater, solid waste, fire protection and other services provided by the District, became effective on April 1, 2008. The Ordinance applies to all customers of the District, whether inside or outside the District boundaries.
Current Ordinance compilation including amendments
Print version: A printed copy of the Ordinance may be purchased by contacting the District office.
Ordinance History:
Ordinance 2013-03 was adopted on 06/27/13 (effective 10/01/13)
Ordinance 2013-02 was adopted on 12/20/12 (effective 02/01/13)
Ordinance 2013-01 adopted August 23, 2012 (effective October 1, 2012)
Ordinance 2012-01 adopted August 25, 2011 (effective October 1, 2011)
Ordinance 2011-02 adopted March 24, 2011 (effective April 24, 2011)
Ordinance 2011-01 adopted February 24, 2011 (effective March 24, 2011)
Ordinance 2010-01 adopted December 17, 2009 (effective January 22, 2010)
Ordinance 2009-02 adopted on May 28, 2009
Ordinance 2009-01 adopted on February 26, 2009
Ordinance 2008-03 adopted July 24, 2008
Ordinance 2008-02 adopted May 22, 2008
Ordinance 2008-01 adopted February 11, 2008